“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Wolf Moon
Last night's sky displayed the largest, brightest full moon of this year. Native Indians referred to this as The Wolf Moon. It's also been called or Old Moon or Moon After Yule.
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. [Genesis 1:14-15]
Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name [Amos 5:8]
When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained ; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? [Psalm 8:3-4]
And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. [Luke 21:11]
And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: [Acts 2:19]
Friday, January 29, 2010
The Five Senses
Love has nothing to do with the five senses and the six directions: Its goal is only to experience the attraction exerted by the Beloved. Afterwards, perhaps, permission will come from God. The secrets that ought to be told will be told with an eloquence nearer to the understanding than these subtle confusing allusions. The secret is partner with none but the knower of the secret. in the skeptic's ear the secret is no secret at all.
Written by Jalal Al-Din Rumi
"Not Too Much To Ask"
Mary Chapin Carpenter
"On and On"
On and on and on we'll stay together yeah
On and on and on we'll be together yeah
You and I will try to stay together yeah
On and on and on we'll be together yeah
Please don't cry we're designed to die
Don't deny what's inside
On and on and on we'll stay together yeah
On and on and on
On and on and on
One day we'll disappear together in a dream
However short or long our lives are going to be
I will live in you or you will live in me
Until we disappear together in a dream
Please don't cry we're designed to die
You can't deny even the gentlest tide
On and on and on we'll be together yeah
On and on and on
On and on and on
We're going to try
Please don't cry
This world of words and meanings makes you feel
Something that you feel already
deep inside
You've denied
Go ahead and cry
On and on and on we'll stay together yeah
On and on and on
On and on and on
You and I will stay together yeah
Saturday, January 23, 2010
What wonderful things God has called us. Sons and Daughters, Friends, Heirs, Jewels. Jewels in a crown of gold, destined to encircle the head where upon once laid a wreath of thorns.
But the time is not yet come. The jewels are still rough stones. Stones that must be cut and shaped and polished, until they are brilliant and perfect.
Who are we to protest the ways in which we are polished and fitted to that crown, or whether we be Emerald or Ruby?
© Rachelle
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Friday, January 22, 2010
All My Life
I often wonder if I lived another lifetime. Perhaps, ever since, I have tried to find my way back. Though it would not appropriately be said back but rather forward, to a point at which whatever it was that went wrong might be righted or completed. As if it represents a fulfilling of a promise previously thwarted by that darkness that seems always to wish the preventing of such things as love and joy and innocent desire.
At times I've thought I could hear him, from a distance, directing me to move this way or that, so that I might return to him or meet him on the path just ahead. Then the voice fades and seems to only echo off the canyon walls around me, making it all the more difficult to determine which direction I should take.
This feeling seems to reach back even to the foundation of the earth and as far ahead as eternity. But I am not in those places. I am here. I am now. It is today that this longing exists, and I am here in a form that fades day by day. I'm left to wonder and imagine the sparkle of an eye and whether time has taken too great a toll.
Yet, inwardly, I am still as I was then. In my mind's eyes I see only a girl skipping down sidewalks made from the light of stars with no worry of yesterday or tomorrow.
When was that other time? Was it behind or is it still forward? Did it pass and is lost forever? Or is it further along yet? These are questions I can't presently answer. For now, I suppose there is little to do but wait and hope to hear from which direction he is calling - if he is calling.
Has he travel too far ahead or stayed behind? Or it is I who advances too rapidly? With no sights or sounds to guide me, my wandering seems aimless. Am I standing at some cosmic fork in the road attempting to discern which way to turn or where to follow - how to follow?
In reality, to say that I often wonder if I lived another lifetime, or that I question who or what I was or what I will be, is less than true. Somewhere, deeply and inwardly, it is not so much a matter of questioning as it is a matter of accepting the awareness.
© Rachelle
Sia - "Not a Day too Soon"
Pick me up in your arms
Carry me away from harm
You're never gonna put me down
I know you're just one good man
You'll tire before we see land
You're never gonna put me down
Oh I've been running all my life
I ran away, I ran away from good
Yeah I've been waiting all my life
You're not a day you're not day too soon
Honey I will stitch you
Darling I will fit you in my heart
Honey I will meet you
Darling I will keep you in my heart
You'll risk all this for just a kiss
I promise I will not resist
Promise you won't hold me down
And when we reach a good place
Let's be sure to leave no trace
Promise they won't track us down
Now I've been running all my life
I ran away, I ran away from good
Yeah, I've been waiting all my life
You're not a day, you're not a day too soon
Honey I will stitch you
Darling I will feel you in my heart
Honey I will meet you
Darling I will keep you in my heart
I've been running all my life
I ran away, I ran away from good
Yeah I've been waiting all my life
You're not a day, you're not a day too soon
Oh honey I will stitch you
Darling I will feel you in my heart
Honey I will meet you
Darling I will keep you in my heart
To He Who is The One
And so she says to He who is The One:
Where shall I find the origin of my thoughts? Why does my heart seem to beat only to the rhythm of yours?
What kind of love would bring me so close to a promise, only to hold the fulfilling of itself just beyond my reach, and render your voice so often faint?
Yet I feel your closeness. So close I nearly feel your breath.
Still, I ask, do I imagine this to be so, or do I in truth recognize the place from where I have come?
© Rachelle
Saturday, January 16, 2010
I wonder...
Why did God pick a rainbow to represent His promise?
He could have chosen anything - Any symbol, or no symbol at all.
Why is there so much symbolism? Couldn't He have been more straight forward? More precise or exact? Just spell it out?
Well. Anyhow. Just a thought.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Little Raindancers
Roused Dreamers
Sleepers awaken
Born of slumberous wombs
As pearls they are
Hidden in the fields
Whisper "We are here"
Watchers waiting
For he who purchased their glory
And fitting made them
To be swept up in golden nets
Proclaim "We are sent"
Stillness know they
That yeild to the crushing
Like grapes into wine
Like stones into diamonds
Sing "We are chosen"
Roused dreamers
Ransomed treasures, immortal,
Entreating the master
That the day be near
Cry "We are ready"
© Rachelle
(previously posted)
Rain Dancers
Little raindancers
Spin on rising billows
From ground to sky
You lift yourselves
Ride over painted arches
And answer not the call
Of this parched ground
For it is not your home
Here, arrayed in bright feathers
And silent rattles
Swaying in silk sashes
You recite ancient litanies
Of misty wishes
Gliding past perilous ledges
Shouting at thunder
For the sake of one name
To stop the trembling
For it is no mystery
That this is not your home
© Rachelle
Somewhat inspired by "Your Word is Your Wand" by Florence Scovel Shinn
Elements Affirmation. Source.
Man is made in God's likeness and image (Imagination) and is given power and dominion over all created things.
He has the power to "rebuke the winds and the waves," check floods or bring rain when it is needed.
There is a tribe of American Indians who live in the desert country and depend on the power of prayer only, to bring rain to water their crops.
They have a rain dance, which is a form of prayer, but no chief is allowed to take part who has any fear.
They give exhibitions of courage before they are admitted to the ceremonies.
A woman, who was an eye-witness, told me that out of a blue sky came a deluge of rain; the sun still shining.
Joe Bonamassa
When She Dances
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Naming a Thing
I have come to the conclusion that naming a thing perhaps lessens it's value. Particularly if your a woman. After all, it was Adam that was given the task in the very beginning, in the Garden of Eden.
Ironically, it's the woman who is said to have the greater command of language. Still, I think, the act of labeling a thing somehow presents too solid an image.
Words, to me, seem defiant. Perhaps even deviant, in some respect. And surely they are elusive. They are necessary tools of human communication, but in reality they are only symbols of a thing, rather than the thing itself.
I could say "Look, there is a lake." But what have I said? I might rather have pointed out the thousands of sparkling reflections of sunlight, or the splashing sounds of a log as it bounces on the surface. While a man possibly has envisioned a source of an evening's meal, or the elementary composition of liquids. He might say "No. This is too small. It is, rather, a pond." While I have thoughts of frogs perched on lilipads.
In calling it a lake, I have provided too narrow a definition. Then, again, perhaps too broad. I might more wisely have pointed out the sounds or the tiny splashes or twinkling reflections. I'd more wisely referred to the way in which the water sways or the scent of bedding trout in the air.
Now, I think I should refrain from calling it a lake again.
© Rachelle
Now... the song for today...
"Everything In Its Own Time"
The Indigo Girls
remember everything i told you
keep it in your heart like a stone
and when the winds have blown things round and back again
what was once your pain will be your home
all around the table the white haired men have gathered
spilling their sons' blood like table wine
(spilling their sons' blood)
remember everything i told you
everything in its own time
the music whispers you in urgency
hold fast to that languageless connection
a thread of known that was unknown and unseen seen
dangling from inside the fifth direction
(dangling from inside the fifth direction)
boys around the table are mapping out there strategies
kings all of mountains one day dust
a lesson learned a loving god and things in their own time
in nothing more do i trust
we own nothing
nothing is ours
not even love so fierce it burns like baby stars
but this poverty is our greatest gift
(nothing is ours)
the weightlessness of us as things around begin to shift
(the weightlessness as things begin to shift)
remember everything i told you
(remember everything i told you)
keep it in your heart like a stone
(keep it in your heart like a stone)
and when the winds have blown things round and back again
(when the winds have blown things round)
what was once your pain will be your home
everything in its own time
everything in its own time
From their SITE