A Song of Imagery
I thought I heard the crashing sea, in waves of brittle sound,
But it was only youth’s own song of yesterday unbound.
The air that lay, unleashed and clear, within a second spoke
And as the message fell upon my heart enchantment woke.
I thought I saw a crystal globe, within an emerald light
A picture of a green-gold moon set spinning in the night.
I felt the tempting passages, poetic and so frail,
And tried to grasp the shining core, it’s mysteries to unveil.
But in an instant, cleanly, it shattered in my hand.
As fleeting as a dream released, it fell to earth like sand.
Through my fingers, clutched not held, the meaning came then went.
Though for that moment it was mine, ‘tis now a treasure spent.
Today an emerald promise brings – that gold alluring light,
And then becomes a memory, a crystal dream by night.
Reach toward tomorrow only, though fragile it’s still free.
And yet it too will soon become a song of imagery.
© Rachelle LeCount
Me in 1982

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