Saturday, July 26, 2008

Name Me

Name me thy immortal soul,
And I shall declare I am more than myself.
Be there any solid form to claim?
A word by which I am known?
It is you - The origin of my thoughts,
The drum and the flute
By which my heart keeps time
In this dancing mystery.
I shall resolve no more
To give meaning to myself.
'tis a futile endeavor.
If from you I was taken,
Only by you might I be defined.
If in you I am created,
Only by you am I named or given purpose.
Name me thy immortal soul,
That I may become more than myself.

© Rachelle

[Inspired by the story of Zoroaster and Ardouizur, as presented in "From Sphinx to Christ" by Edouard Schure'; Book IV; Manifestations of the Solar World]

From Sphinx to Christ is the engrossing story of the eternal search for knowledge of our origin, evolution, and destiny as spiritual beings. Edouard Schure lucidly and masterfully traces the course of this quest from the primordial wisdom expressed in the Riddle of the Sphinx; through the legends of antediluvian civilizations and the traditions of India, Persia, Babylon, Egypt, and classical Greece; to the pivotal figure of Christ, who renews ancient mysteries and embodies new ones for the continuing development of humanity.