Thursday, January 15, 2009

Leala & Diaphanous

Was she dreaming, she asked herself. She must be. If she were not Sedrick surely would not lay in such peaceful slumber mere feet away. Or perhaps it was a mirage. She'd read about mirages in the desert. But such a visual phenomenon required heat and rays of light. It was night and dark, aside from the glow of the full moon, and the air was chilled.

The thoughts had scarcely hurried through her mind when the limpid figure spoke again.

"It is not because you are dreaming that the man stirs not from his sleep. It is because I am within and not without."

"But I see you." Leala replied.

"You see me because you wish me to be seen."

"You still have not told me your name." Leala said.

"I have no name, aside from that thing which I am. For I am no more and no less than the secret thoughts of your heart. Things for which you've provided safe haven, as well as the things you conceal."

It was one of those hermetic moments in which Leala felt the stirring of recognition that caused her to wonder what other being might be dwelling somewhere deep within the temporal substance of her own body. This recognition - this wordless perceptivity - was something she called "knowing." Something that produced a whirling sensation that could be temporarily disorienting, when it was at it's most profound. She assumed this was due to the struggle between the corporeal and the impalpable, as they each contend for dominance over the other.

Did minutes pass, or mere seconds? Leala was unsure how much time lapsed before she heard herself speak. "Then I will name you Diaphanous."

© Rachelle

(A work in progress)