“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Another thing that was interesting while we were on vacation was the giant bug we saw hanging out on the porch outside the hotel. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice hotel, but I'd never seen a bug like this, ever in my life. And the thing was huge.
At first hubby thought it was a moth. But it's neck was too long and it had huge pinchers. I guess they're called mandibles, but anyway... the thing must have been almost 4 inches long.
I'm not bug lover but I am curious and determined and I decided I was going to find out what sort of bug that was. I asked a couple locals, including the desk clerks at various times over the weekend but even they had never seen a bug like this.
Finally, on the last night we were there I got out the laptop and started searching online. Well, turns out the thing was a male Dobsonfly They can get up to 5 inches long with their mandibles increasing that length by another inch. Though the females only have short pinchers. Fearsome looking things but evidently pretty harmless.
All that is to say that once I get my mind set on solving a puzzle, it's very difficult for me to let it go without solving it.
First, let me mention that I bought a beautiful Ethiopian Opalwhile on vacation in Helen Ga this past weekend. Needless to say, I was excited to stop by ZuZu's Petals Rock Shop. My plan was to purchase something to match the Lapis Luzuli (which I often hear called lapis or lapisluzi) earrings I bought last year but when I saw the opal I knew I had to have it. Funny how things work out in such a cosmic kind of way. Things happen the way they're supposed to happen. There's a serendipitous aspect to life, which by no means rules God out of the equation, but to me seems all the more indicative of His guiding hand. The key, I think, is yielding to it... being open to it.
This is a bit sad, but I cannot remember the lady's name who owns and runs the shop. And if by chance she reads this, I really wish she'd send me an email and refresh my memory.
Oh, and I also bought a nice little Agate bracelet. Really cute.(At least I think it's agate. I have a hard time remember the names of things unfortunately)