“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The Eternal Promise
The beauty of the beloved awaits in the charmed stillness and knowledge of his promise. For all it's disappointments and trials, hope shall not be dissolved. For it was sown by the spirit which breathed even before the lungs were shaped.
As we move in this limited form, amidst the few grand things of earth, he ceaselessly provides us that taste of a mercy and a grace by which all tears will end and youth be restored and stretched in infinite circles.The soul does beseech him, as surely as with clasped hands or tightened eye on bended knee. Though there is no need for such things. He has heard his children.
The promise, still distant, is brought to our remembrance in visions and stirrings that, while unmeasured, are exacted according to all good purposes. Glimpses of splendor magnified a thousand times. We alone, who are his, will hear his assurance - the eternal promise.
© Rachelle
Sons and daughters of the most high, may his love and mercy be yet a cover unto you, until the time has come when you rest your heads 'gainst the bosom of your redeemer. For he has given all for you, by his sweat and blood.
For your sake he contains his wrath, but for a time, until it will be poured out upon his enemies. And then shall you approve judgement, even over those angels.
The song of victory and of the lamb you will sing, and be adorned more beautifully than the lilies. for this were you created. For this chosen and sealed from before creation. His own. His beloved, who desire him, and for whom all things are performed.
Arise, you daughters. Cry out, you sons. Call unto the lord that he will make haste. Give account unto him who created the stars in heaven that you might have but a glimpse of the splendors that await you, when the veil shall be removed and you shall see colors more splendid than all the jewels of earth and you will walk amidst them and upon them.
His beloved, who desire him, and for whom all things are created so that he may delight in your pleasure, and you in his, forever.
© Rachelle
(rewritten from previous)
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