I've been reading from the book "The Song of the Bird" by Anthony de Mello. There's a short story about a man and a monkey. The monkey threw a coconut from a tree and hit the man on the head to taunt him. But the man took the coconut and drank the milk, ate the meat and from the rest, made a bowl.
I personally would like to thank all the monkeys who threw coconuts from the trees I've walked under thus far in my life.
I may have received a few lumps on the head. And some I probably deserved. Nonetheless, I've managed to have something to drink and something to eat and I have accumulated a good many bowls.
So, Thanks for the coconuts.
I suppose I should also confess that I, myself, am sometimes the monkey. I freely admit it.
To those at whom I personally have hurled the occasional coconut.... You're welcome.