So, I got one of her newsletters today and found these two statements, in particular, to be good reminders.
You know, how it goes... you KNOW something to be true. So true that it almost seems cliche or trite, yet you can read it or hear it phrased a little differently or at just the right time and it seems downright profound.
If you start your day with bad thoughts or anger, this is the way the rest of the day most likely is going to be. But if you take that extra minute to feel grateful for what you already have and give thanks for all the good things you would like to come your way during the new day, you are making way for a good day -even a very good day ahead of you.
It is very important to be grateful for our present blessings before we send new requests to the Universe for more. Remember not only the love and comfort you have experienced in your life, but also those little things we so easily take for granted: walking, talking, hearing and seeing through our own eyes what is going on in our world.