Sunday, April 1, 2012

Cardinals Nesting

A pair of Cardinals built a nest in a large bush outside our bathroom window. We've been watching Mrs. Cardinal lay and brood her eggs for about two weeks. Finally, this morning, the first one hatched. Then the next and, at last, the third.

I've been talking to her through the window and occasionally opening the window and talking to her through the screen. She has tolerated me more than I expected. A few times she stayed on the nest even while I pushed the screen out far enough to snap a shot. Photos aren't so clear when taken through window screen. Go figure.

Above are three speckled cardinal eggs.

Above, the mother cardinal broods her three eggs.

Above, the first hatched baby, just minutes old.

Above, we see all three eggs have finally hatched.
This is their first day of life. Weak and wobbly, and very tiny.