Saturday, May 19, 2012

What's Going On?

As is obvious, I haven't posted much lately. That's due to several things, one of which is that I've been reading the Hunger Game series by Suzanne Collins. Very good reading. Well written. 

I haven't seen the movie, as I don't go to the theater. I always wait until it's out on DVD. It simply costs too much to go out to see it and I can't pause it and there are more distractions.

The series is great though and I highly recommend it.

Also, our boy shih tzu, Griffin, swallowed a bandana from the groomer. Who'd have thought he could do that? It ended up costing us a trip to the emergency vet (anyone checked those prices lately?) and some serious surgery.

And there was Mother's Day and some doctors appointments and several other things thrown in there. Enough to keep me muddled a bit and not terribly focused on blogging.

I recently saw two of the cardinals (see previous posts). At least two of the three survived. Possibly all three but I have only seen two. I know it's them because they have a strange mohawk head. Two females. They look well fed and I'm thinking they have just left their parents.

Anyway... that's my update. 

Stay tuned for an actual blog post some time soon.