Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Firefly

"Firefly teaches us to bring things into focus and to lighten the path that is hidden in order to understand our life force. He gives the spark of divine insight and inspiration. Firefly aids in illuminating what is hidden, understands what is confusing, brings wonder and awe in the darkness. He will teach strength to replace fear in the midst of the darkness; spiritual or emotional. Sometimes the faintest the light will see you through. Allow firefly to guide you - in the moment, through the forest of life and to navigate what you are unable to perceive or understanding. It is the light that should be your focus, not the dark. Firefly will show you how, so watch carefully!"


Here is a summary list of symbolic meaning of the firefly:
  • Inspiration
  • Illumination
  • Patience
  • Attraction
  • Energy
  • Hope
  • Aspiration
  • Guidance
  • Efficiency
  • Creativity
  • New Ideas
  • Awakening
The symbolic meaning of the firefly of course deals with light, illumination and the like. Although an important focus, the issue of light is not the high feature behind the symbolic meaning of the firefly. Rather, it is the messages this wondrous creature gives us while her light is off may be most profound to our growth.

An ordinary looking creature during the day, admittedly, the firefly is a remarkable sight when it glows at night. This is a symbolic message to us humans that although our physical appearance may seem one way - it is our internal makings - what is inside us (such as our spirit) that makes us shine from the inside out. That which is within us will always illuminate us and those around us.


JJ Grey & Mofro

When we were youngin's
We used to play all day
Lord and when the night came
Oh them lights would dance away
Oh so good so warm it felt to play
Like being in your mama's arms
So safe

Where did all the fireflies go?
Hold your breath no more movement in the night
Where did all the fireflies go?
I heard someone say
They ain't never coming back

Running wild feeling oh so free
Trying to light the night up
With the fire inside of me
Oh them lights Lord they let me be me
Where did all the fireflies go where did they go?

Where did all the fireflies go?
Hold your breath no more movement in the night
Where did all the fireflies go?
I heard someone say
hey ain't never coming back