Saturday, June 4, 2011

Night Writing - 3

Part 3

(continued from HERE)

i see a dark room
i walk in
there are closets of glass
glass closets filled with water
inside are what appears to be people
are they sleeping i wonder
but no, i think they are suspended
they're not dead
but more dormant than anything else

their positions are odd
half standing and half slumped
in their strange unnatural slumber
the water is murky

there are beams in the room
pillars to be more precise
like the ones outside old colonial homes
but the paint is worn off

i think about what i see
it doesn't bother me
but i think about and find it peculiar
and i still hear myself speaking to you

i see things often
more nights than not
i wake in the wee hours of the morning
i see
i think

but it seems rather silly to say "i think"
doesn't everyone think
surely they must
all people think things
perhaps they don't think much about the thinking
i do

how many things i think in the night
in the morning before dawn
but i let myself drift back off to sleep
and later i get up and i live another earthly day
as the day goes by i think about you
i think about telling you the things i see
what i saw and heard during the night

things and thoughts and sights
between sleep and wake

i think about eve and adam
about angels and heaven
about mysteries so beautiful
that to solve them might almost seem a crime
but i secretly long to solve them nonetheless
or at least be challenged by them
during the morning before dawn
and at night between sleep and wake
things i let myself forget as i live another earthly day

and i still can hear myself speaking to you
saying and opening
asking and inquiring
wanting and needing
to give and to receive
to respond
to say
to speak
to see

© Rachelle

Part 1
Part 2