(continued from below)
Conjure up any image, think of any tale of heroes and heroines, dragons and swords, lovers and mysteries. Mythology and folklore are all symbolic of our journey - tale of experiences along that path, where there are many discoveries, perils and puzzles. There are fears to be fought and wars to be won. There are days of astounding peace and days of turmoil. There are times when strengths are tested and weaknesses overcome. There will certainly be wrong turns and wasted days and times in which one feels that going further is impossible.
Still, the moments of choice, they come, full of promise and hope and fear of one's own inadequacies. They are the most profoundly raw and true moments. The journey itself is unavoidable.
A choice? Yes, there is a choice. Yet to decline to choose is still choice. The only true choice is between moving along the path, aware that something lies ahead or forever wander aimlessly and without purpose. In accepting the challenge of one's journey, one begins to realize that something of great worth lies ahead. Something that makes all the troubles and wearisome travel seem as nothing, once the end is reached. The journey itself will determine the worth of the prize at the end.
Rachelle LeCount
See Part 1