“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
A List, Pink Floyd & Ardouizur
Happy Wednesday everybody. Looks like it might be a nice day. It's cloudy. We're expecting rain and mild temperatures. I like cloudy days.
So... I finally got around to updating my playlist again (right hand column). Currently there are 81 songs but that changes periodically as links go bad. But for anyone who cares to, enjoy!!
Thanksgiving will be upon us soon. I have decided that I won't be cooking the big mean I usually spend 2-3 days on. Instead we are accepting an invitation to join family and friends elsewhere. That suits me just fine as I feel I have so many irons in the fire right now. But I won't get into all that.
I have decided to do something I tend to resist and that is... MAKE A LIST.
I know. I know. I am surprised too and it's not without some apprehension. Still, I could end up surprised by the results. We'll see. The goal is to get some of those petty details out of my head by putting it on paper.
The problem is that my head gets full of details and things that need to be done and it hinders my productivity rather than helping. We managed to get the flooring down in the hobby room (ex bedroom) but the house has been in disarray since we began the remodeling about three years ago. I get too far ahead in my mind and energy gets spent on obsessing over what's not done rather than accepting the challenge to simply move forward with patience and trust that it will all get done sooner or later. So, it was suggested that a list might help provide some relief from the noise in my head.
Now... back to the topic of music and yesterday's mention of Zoroaster and Ardouizur, as I was spending some time floating through my own collection of music last night I ran across a live version of one of my favorite Pink Floyd tunes, Great Gig in the Sky (I say "favorite" but I have so many I am not sure the word is applicable). It struck me that the song connects to a couple of issues right now. One having to do with a study on speaking in tongues (a topic for another day). It also reminded me of that story of Ardouizur, as well as matters associated with the spirit of woman... the female spirit and related matters. As I was listening, I was take over by the depth and the meaning it has for me. There are no words to the song, but that's part of the beauty of it. Either you'll get it or you won't.