There are many kinds of love in this world and many types of relationships. Even amongst our friends and family members, each one is unique.
I often liken them to flavors of ice cream. While we may have favorites, it's nice to have a variety. Vanilla with strawberry sauce, pistachio and chocolate with chocolate chunks and marshmallows.
How wondrous that God, who is the author of all love, has created so many different flavors.
I'm not the sort of person to have dozens of close friends, though I have more than dozens of acquaintances. But true friends, for me, are more limited in number. This is mostly a simple matter of my natural born tendencies and preferences. I have fewer relationships but they tend to be deep. While others prefer to have quantity and large numbers of relationships. Neither is wrong, per se.
Of course many, if not most of us, have that one special relationship with a spouse or significant other. But I speak more in general here.
I do have some special friends. One or two I've known all my life. There are a few who were more active and present during some periods and years and not as much during others, but they are always there and usually we can pick up where we left off, as if no time had passed. Some are fairly new friends, and at times people who were only mere acquaintances can suddenly grow closer and more valuable to you, or you to them.
Lately, due to a particularly sad and difficult event in my life, these thoughts and many others have been part of my daily thoughts and ponderings. Relationships, loves, losses, bonds, sharing, caring, God and how He moves through these things, and all the occasional difficulties and boundaries involved in all that... these things have been on my mind a lot. That and faith. Faith in love. Faith in God, as He IS love. Faith in the enduring nature of it. If love never dies then even if a person is not with you, love still lives.
Physicists say that energy never ceases to exist. It can change form but never stops being energy. I think all things are energy or made of vibratory energy, in one way or another. So, yes... Love never ceases to exist. If it's real it is enduring and everlasting.
Well, now I'm 'waxing philosophical' I suppose, but as I move about and am busy with various tasks throughout my day, I think about these things.
I think about the people God brings into our lives. It is my belief that we aren't always aware of just how extensive God's purposes are. We know what someone means to us. Or at least we think we do, even if that, in itself, changes flavors slightly time. Hopefully deepening and growing in it's joys and pleasures. But for the most part I think it is impossible for us to fully comprehend all the reasons God has for bringing various and sundry people into our lives.
Why do our paths cross the paths of others? Spouses, friends, mentors - even those we assume are only in our lives due to birth. Sometimes we may not even like some of those people. Or the relationship goes bad or turns sour or we lose them for one reason or another.
We lose them due to death, or divorce. We lose some due to distance while at the same time it seems distance doesn't impact some of those relationships. We lose people due to misunderstandings or for any number of reasons. And we gain friends and are blessed with new relationships along the way. To me it all seems quite mysterious.
But when we lose someone that we love so very much, it can be more than we are able to bear. God says He will not give us more than we can handle. I confess I have questioned that many times in my life. The 'why' of it all... often unanswered.
I'm sure I'll talk more later about the particular event and loss in my life recently. I haven't mentioned it here, because there are so many thoughts that I'm not sure I can separate them all enough to put it into words that would do the matter justice.
For now... just saying... more later.
Well, probably.
Yet, in closing, I will say, remember that love is always a gift from God. Love in all it's many flavors is something to be thankful for. Each time I have experienced it, whether for a brief period of time or spread over the course of many years - whether the giver or the receiver or both - anything that is love, is always a gift. Always cherish it and know that it is a gift from God, who is the author of all love. Love is priceless.
To those of you who've sent messages wondering why I haven't posted much lately, thank you for your concern. For those who read and know me best, you already know about my ups and downs and the reason behind them. Thank you for your concerns and thank you also to those who have been so very supportive. True friends are a treasure, as love is a treasure.
A long post for today. It's not my norm. There are things in my mind and questions that weigh heavy on my spirit. But there it is. For what it's worth.