The oldest ones in particular are quite interesting to me. There are common themes, running the course of the years. I even see in later journals things I had written when I was in my teens, but rewritten. And I may still rewrite some of them.
Anyway... here's a short one, written some time in my junior year, I think. It might have been when I lived in North Dakota. I don't know why I didn't date them. There is no way to know what the inspiration was, other than to assume it had something to do with "grass" (lol) The picture might have been taken several months after that little poem. That was my one and only "shag" hair cut. Not the best choice.

seems to draw me near
its face i cannot resist
curiosity pulls unbelievably
and it calls me closer... closer
Rachelle LeCount
As for music, at the time I was listening to a wide variety, and was quite influenced by various peers and boyfriends. Anything from Lynyrd Skynyrd to Yes to Ten Years After and Pink Floyd. I had so many favorites it would be difficult to choose between them but here are a couple, just the same.
As for the present, it's about 40 degrees right now. The high today is supposed to be in the mid 50s. It'll be one of the cooler days we've had this winter. IF you can even call what we've had "winter" I've already run errands. I've started chili for tonight and we'll just have some crackers with it I think. My essential oil warmer is on and I put a few drops of peppermint and rosemary in it. Nice combination, I must say. Now it's about time for me to shower and then I want to spend some time in the new hobby room getting the old computer tweaked and adjusted and load some music on it. So... on with the day!!!